Re: Joyce, Episode 146: Seeing Stars
As Stephen continues to write poetry we learn of Cassiopeia, augurs and their flights of birds, along with Freud, Jung, and Telemachus.
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As Stephen continues to write poetry we learn of Cassiopeia, augurs and their flights of birds, along with Freud, Jung, and Telemachus.
Frank discusses two quotes, one simple, one opaque the latter filled with hidden symbolism, sexual desire and the connections that make them sing.
Frank talks about Sylvia Beach and her part in bringing Ulysses to the world.
Frank discusses Kevin Spacey and Joycean phrases such as "Pin it Down."
So – your life’s story in a tweet? How was it for you? Did the tweet move? For many it did, and I’m among the many. This was my best challenge yet, with the largest number of entries ever (in the hundreds) and the widest range of skill and emotions. The entries tended to stratify into factual renditions and poetic interpretations of Tweeple’s lives. This makes for difficult judging; a genuine - and valid - split appeared between the inventors and the documenters. Both had the power to arrest, to move, to touch the heart – and the soul. And that is precisely what I had in mind, but for which I didn’t dare hope. But the Tweeple rose to it – my word, there are tons of talent out there. I had more than one sharp intake of breath, and many “I wish I'd thought of that” moments.
The process of selection – always beginning with a whittling-down – almost hurt; which finger or toe do I cut off next? Ultimately I had to abandon all idea of objectivity and listen for the music, judge where the singer and the song were as one. That, after swinging like the pendulum of a slightly deranged clock, my surgery produced the shortlist of ten, then a private five, then an agonized three – and then a winner: @clove819 "In spring I sprang at the stars, springing at the farthest; in winter I tiptoe at the nearest, knowing of distance."
Congratulations @clove819 – and to all of you who entered. And thank you – SO much. Once again my faith in who’s out there has been not only renewed but further elevated: you’re a great bunch, you Tweeple!
Stephen still on Sandymount. "Omnis caro ad te veniet." A pale vampire, and Douglas Hyde. Hamlet's tablets.
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