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6 posts from February 2012

Feb 29, 2012

Re: Joyce, Episode 90: Time for a Change

The beginning of chapter 3, Proteus. Stephen's stream of consciousness takes over as he walks along the beach.

Feb 22, 2012

Re: Joyce, Episode 89: Bye Bye Nestor

End of Chapter 2: Nestor. A brief summary.

Feb 15, 2012

Re: Joyce, Episode 88: Befriending Bullocks

Stephen finally pries himself away from Mr. Deasy, and a recurring theme is introduced.

Feb 13, 2012

Storytelling Twitter Challenge

If we presume that “twitter” must be the collective noun for “tweets” then we took on a great freight of twitter over the past few days in our latest challenge.  Timed to appear with my new novel, The Last Storyteller,  I asked you all to complete the world’s most wonderful sentence, “Once upon a time.”  I expected – I hoped for – imagination, wit, thoughtfulness, originality, even perhaps a flash of magic.  When it’s in the hands of a magician, the phrase “Once upon a time”  exists, doesn’t it, to generate excited anticipation? At least that was the basis on which your entries were always going to be judged and I’ve chosen, as promised, and in no particular order of merit, these five winners earn a copy of The Last Storyteller;

@BearNecessitude Once upon a time a man came to take me to a different life.
@LaurenBaratzLogsted Once upon a time, the vampire was the least of our worries.
@BenHeyes Once upon a time there was distance and derision.
@semivivum Once upon a time, we were content.
@LordEnzi Once upon a time, time stopped once. 

However,since consistency is the natural enemy of imagination, I’ve broken my own rules and added a sixth prize, which I’ve awarded on the basis of the entrant observing the medium with humor – here it is:

@earlystages Once upon a time, only birds tweeted. Now we can all tweet happily ever after. 

Thank you all; you are such good sports and so generous with your efforts –your entries seem to increase in number with each challenge, and were I a demographic profiler I would have the most fascinating time determining the shape and tastes of my followers on Twitter!

Feb 08, 2012

Re: Joyce, Episode 87: Women and Slogans

Mr. Deasy's litany of women who ruined things for everybody.

Feb 01, 2012

Re: Joyce, Episode 86: History's Nightmare

Joyce the symbolist. History may or may not be moving towards God.