Re: Joyce, Episode 77: Fogies and Torries
Frank unpacks Mr. Deasy's politics.
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Frank unpacks Mr. Deasy's politics.
Mr. Deasy and Stephen continue their exchange, and Frank unpacks the tartan from a painting of a prince.
Stephen tallies his debts - as does Joyce.
Mr. Deasy expounds on the power of money; Frank digresses.
Stephen is paid, meticulously.
Now the graves have closed again, and the dead of Hallowe'en 2011 are back beneath the earth. While they stalked the land we had a blood-sodden outpouring of entries for our Challenge which was: "Write the first line of Dracula's autobiography." What did I expect and what did I receive? I expected jokes about dental work - and got them. Plots of ground six feet deep also figured, as did crucifixes, the standard "How-do-you-like-your-stake?" Dracula joke and a variety of mirrors. Fangs appeared (though - and thank you all for this - nobody actually had the nerve, the chutzpah, the gall to write "fangs for the memory" or "fangs very much"). The tourist authorities of Transylvania can feel happy at their name-and-place recognition - familiarity even - and we had the graveyard shift, packs of wolves, lines of the Undead and jokey entries about "sinking my teeth into" and "neck and neck." I had already banned the line, "To begin with, I suck" - but I wasn't able to keep sucking out of it - nor, bless you, did you shy away from "cutting my teeth." I loved it all - you are such good sports, you tweeters and blogsters, and I have selected ten winners whose names we publish in alphabetical order. To each of you goes a prize - the Kindle Single I wrote, "Undead," the story of the novel "Dracula" and its author Bram Stoker. Wipe the blood off your chins, read, enjoy, thank you all - and go back to your tombs.
Andrew Train - drewtrain
Not by Man's earthly clocks, do I measure the unending centuries; but by the count of human hearts, stilled by my cold kiss.
Byron Wilding - estlincage
Words come to me like drops of blood, eager to be tasted.
D H Chitson - BearNecessitude
Please look kindly upon me, dearest reader, for within these unholy epistles there is much sadness amongst the horror.
Doug Keel - DougKeel
Memoirs may be sordid or times of quiet reflection. Mine will have to be the former.
Emily Matthew - ImaylimE
My father always wanted me to be an attorney, but I could never have become something quite so heinous and parasitic.
Jessica Reisman - jesswynne
I am not the villain of this piece.
Joanne E. Valin - Stellectric
I came to know blood, luxurious warmth and bitterness that sang at my lips, but never enough to soothe the rank sore of my heart.
Richard de Nooy - RicharddeNooy
The immortal mark the passage of time with the faces of those whose lives have been lost or taken.
Sean Kelly - SeanKellyStudio
My agent in Burbank sounded glum on the phone, "Universal can't borrow Barrymore from MGM; they're casting Lugosi."
Vivienne Nichols - jamesblvd
Predators all! Hunters, warriors, vampires, lovers. We create illusion, stalk and steal. We take from life that we might live.
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