Re: Joyce, Episode 59: A Tile Off The Roof
In Stephen's musings on history, real and potential, Frank finds a recurring Joycean theme.
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In Stephen's musings on history, real and potential, Frank finds a recurring Joycean theme.
Thank you all for your spirited entries on blood and vampires and things that go crunch! in the night. I'm happy to say that you're as bloodthirsty a bunch of people as it has ever been my pleasure to know. You've compared blood to figs, sticky wine from Burgundy, hickory, deer's blood, electricity, copper, iron, nectar, flat Dr. Pepper, sweaty flesh, teddy bears, candy, aged steak, sweet-and-sour pork, drips of stew from a pewter spoon, coins, fish hooks, marrow, - what do you do in your lives, where have you been?! My existence is so dull by comparison. Entertainingly, many of you went further than the Challenge asked and described the act of a vampire actually getting the blood, or its effect on the drinker. One or two worried me - and made me ask, "How do you know? Do you only come out at night?" The honorable mentions are too numerous to include here and I thank you, one and all, as you wipe the blood from your chin and slink back into the darkness whence you came, while I salute the winner: KTScribbles Karen Davies who offered, "A sweet iron tang of rust and roses." (See what I mean by "worried"?) A copy of Bram Stoker's Dracula will be delivered to Karen presently by an incubus. Again, thank you for your good-humored and sanguinary efforts - and for daring to show your faces. Go back to your tombs.
Stephen muses on first-rate wit and second-hand history.
In Stephen's classroom, four girls' names hint at religion, class, and sex.
In Stephen's classroom, Frank muses on the names of cookies and of boys.
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