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7 posts from October 2010

Oct 29, 2010

And The Creepy Winners are...

I'm creeped out: I spent hour after hour of deliberation deep into the night (was that a bird flapping at the window?), and I only came to a decision when the ice-pack at my forehead began to turn blood-red. So -  I've made my creepy choice, and these are the creepiest entries. Plus - I've tacked on a fourth winner. As you gnash your teeth at not being among the prizes, bear in mind that at all times I wear a clove of garlic around my neck; therefore your vengeful spells will crash and die at my feet. On a less creepy note - thank you all for being such good and good-humored (and well-mannered) sports. I've much enjoyed this and I hope you have too.

The Winners -

Most fishers did tuna & sharks: Fillet & sort the pieces into piles. But Felix liked children. It was the same process but louder.
Wiping the entrails of his beloved dog from the steak knife, he calmly continued with his dinner. This time in silence.

People thought well of Nigel. Reliable, patient with the little ones. The tiny bones in his garden were no one's business, really.
The lovelorn man had hope, and 22 followers. Most of them were her. She'd been patient, becoming them. Soon, she'd become him too.


Each of you will soon receive a creepy prize - don't blame me if it unfreezes in the mail and is soggy, red and dripping when it's delivered.

--Frank Delaney

Oct 28, 2010

The Creepy Top Ten!

The Creepy Challenge is now closed and I am delighted to say that you are, without equal, the creepiest, bloodiest, goriest, most disgusting, most infinitely nauseating bunch of people it has ever been my pleasure to know. What rotting minds you have! I love being in your company, as you dismember, carve up, suck dry, assault, pillage and otherwise despoil every physical, mental and spiritual value known to Man. Your entries were just as appalling as I hoped they'd be - but it's going to be quite a task choosing the best three out of this Top Ten. Threaten me, warn me, tell me what you'll do to me, (cajole if you have to - wimp!) in order to vote for your favorites; here's the list - peruse them, while I go away and throw up.

Leave a comment below!

Most fishers did tuna & sharks: Fillet & sort the pieces into piles. But Felix liked children. It was the same process but louder.

Glimpsed in summers on the railways of Glasgow, a gang of children, their feet backward, their faces missing. They outrun trains.

The Chauffeur knew to look away as his client sucked the last strands from the small bone.

Ah, the memories. When you scream, you remind me of our daughter.

Wiping the entrails of his beloved dog from the steak knife, he calmly continued with his dinner. This time in silence.

Flies open, he snorts like a pig, his chin slimed with old food. 'Hello' he leers, as he offers his fat, wet hand.

The professor locked the door behind him. “Hello class. Today we’re going to learn about suffering.” The revolver glinted.

A multi-cackling hexacephalod with the oily noggins of Palin, Hannity, Limbaugh, Angle, O'Donnell, & Beck a-wobbling.

People thought well of Nigel. Reliable, patient with the little ones. The tiny bones in his garden were no one's business, really.

It was a small hill when he started to climb. But now the moon had risen full and the castle walls were further away than ever.

Oct 27, 2010

Re: Joyce, Episode 20. Fergus and Friends

Mulligan, descending the stairs, trivializes his own insults - and musters considerable literary resources to do so.

Oct 20, 2010

Re: Joyce, Episode 19. Bacon and Hamlet

Stephen absorbs Mulligan's insults and, standing upon the tower by the sea, once again recalls his Shakespearean precedent.

Oct 13, 2010

Re: Joyce, Episode 18. Who's The Impossible Person?

Mulligan boldly defends himself against Stephen's charge, and dissects death - and Stephen himself - in the process.

Oct 06, 2010

Re: Joyce, Episode 17: Ideas and Sensations

We touch on one of the most important themes of Ulysses, and perhaps in all of writing.

Oct 05, 2010

Frank's Midwest Tour: From South Dakota to Colorado

Frank's trip through the midwest led him to Sioux Falls for the South Dakota Book Festival, through Lebanon, Kansas (which plays a part in Frank's next book "The Matchmaker of Kenmare,") to Boulder, Colorado to speak at the Center for British & Irish Studies, to Denver to read at Tattered Cover Bookstore, and finally to Steamboat Springs where he was the Master of Ceremonies at Literary Sojourn and the opening night star of a new series called "Storytime for Grownups."

Frank and Chris Painter, the librarian at the Bud Werner Memorial Library, as they prepare to launch the storytelling series "Storytime for Grownups."

More than 150 people crowded into the Library in Steamboat Springs, Colorado on a Monday evening to hear Frank Delaney. Extra chairs and standing room only.


A rainbow outside the event.

Frank signed books for the crowd.