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1 posts from April 2010

Apr 23, 2010

The Woman I Love, by Frank Delaney

When I first met Diane, in the early 1990s, I was impressed by the same things that strike me now: her energy, on all fronts; her friendly, democratic good manners to everyone at every level; her quite remarkable desire to be helpful – in any gathering she’s still at her best (and she will agree with this) if you give her a job to do. Her inventiveness performs like a very expensive car - revving silently, getting to top speed fast, capable of taking every twist and turn with safety; it’s how she runs her business, it’s how she runs her half of our life. And her generosity is by any standards extraordinary — almost reckless; I know of many cases where she has subsidized clients who became friends, and I frequently have to try and stop that exploitation (if she lets me).

Read the full article.