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1 posts from December 2009

Dec 15, 2009

The Delaney Lectures: Frank Delaney on Irish Literary Figures

In his series of four forty-minute talks, Frank Delaney examines three famous Irish writers, James Joyce, William Butler Yeats, Samuel Beckett, and finally revisiting a lecture created for the National Archive of the Library of Congress, ties it all together in an examination of the universal ways that oral storytelling became the written literature of Joyce, Yeats and Beckett – and every other literary culture in the world.

Presented by Litchfield County Writers Project at the University of Connecticut’s Torrington campus this past autumn, the lectures, designed to educate, inform and entertain both students and the general public, were met with an enthusiastic reception, reflecting Delaney’s gift, learned at the BBC, of never underestimating his audience’s intelligence, but always their knowledge.

“These three authors have been driving forces in the life of many writers, the lives of all Irish writers—and especially in mine,” says Delaney. “Their cultural significance is universal; but for me they have become almost personal—they certainly go beyond the mere fact of being Irish, and even of being a writer. I am delighted to have the chance to illuminate their gifts and to channel my passion about them to students and the general public alike.”

The Litchfield County Writers Project provides programs that celebrate the creative work of Litchfield County and support the academic aims of the University of Connecticut. “I am delighted to be staging these lectures for the Litchfield County Writers Project. The LCWP is a treasure that I found in my own backyard,” says Delaney. With its connection between the university and the talents for professional writing found, at the highest levels, in this Connecticut county, it forms a basis for both study and appreciation. To find so well-developed a link between the culture of writing, the scholarship of a respected university, and the presentation of literature to those who care about the condition of writing and reading is remarkable.”

To see the Delaney Lectures streamed in their entirety, go to the LCWP website and access the four lectures.