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2 posts from February 2009

Feb 26, 2009

Frank Delaney and Joe Donahue on WAMC

Frank talked with Joe Donahue on WAMC on the 18th of February.  You can listen to the interview by clicking this link to WAMC.

Feb 10, 2009

Shannon is on sale today!

Today, 10 February 2009, sees the publication of my new novel, Shannon. Some may ask, "What's it feel like?" I have a number of answers. Yes, it's a good feeling - of achievement, of a job begun and completed in that most difficult of occupations, writing; but yes, it's also a nervous moment - as it should be, waiting for responses and sales. Two helpful thoughts now ride in: this is my fourth publication date since Ireland, a Novel in 2005; and I'm by now deep, deep into the next book, Blarney, which will appear almost exactly one year from today.

So good luck to Shannon, and to all who read it!